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Lot 13 - 4 Collectible Beatles Albums - with Numbered White Album and 2 by Vee Jay Records
joncatalan 04/20/23 7:12P $65.00 joncatalan outbid the previous bid by papoe
papoe 04/20/23 7:12P $64.00 Proxy bid was placed for papoe in response to a bid by joncatalan
papoe 04/20/23 7:08P $63.00 papoe outbid the previous bid by MadHatter
MadHatter 04/20/23 7:08P $62.00 Proxy bid was was placed for MadHatter in response to a bid by papoe
papoe 04/20/23 7:08P $62.00 papoe bid was accepted, but was outbid by MadHatter using proxy bid.
MadHatter 04/20/23 9:04A $61.00 MadHatter outbid the previous bid by FrankJr
FrankJr 04/20/23 9:04A $60.00 Proxy bid was placed for FrankJr in response to a bid by MadHatter
FrankJr 04/17/23 2:23P $51.00 FrankJr outbid the previous bid by Pepperwil24
Pepperwil24 04/17/23 2:23P $50.00 Proxy bid was placed for Pepperwil24 in response to a bid by FrankJr
Pepperwil24 04/17/23 9:46A $46.00 Pepperwil24 outbid the previous bid by MadHatter
MadHatter 04/17/23 9:46A $45.00 Proxy bid was placed for MadHatter in response to a bid by Pepperwil24
MadHatter 04/17/23 9:31A $26.00 MadHatter outbid the previous bid by FrankJr
FrankJr 04/17/23 8:00A $25.00 Proxy bid was was placed for FrankJr in response to a bid by mhoward530
mhoward530 04/17/23 8:00A $25.00 mhoward530 bid was accepted, but was outbid by FrankJr using proxy bid.
FrankJr 04/17/23 7:49A $21.00 FrankJr outbid the previous bid by pinjuke
pinjuke 04/17/23 7:49A $20.00 Proxy bid was placed for pinjuke in response to a bid by FrankJr
pinjuke 04/17/23 7:33A $16.00 Proxy bid was was placed for pinjuke in response to a bid by Guido
Guido 04/17/23 7:33A $15.00 Guido bid was accepted, but was outbid by pinjuke using proxy bid.
pinjuke 04/17/23 7:29A $11.00 pinjuke outbid the previous bid by ashkun
ashkun 04/17/23 7:28A $10.00 Proxy bid was was placed for ashkun in response to a bid by pinjuke
pinjuke 04/17/23 7:28A $10.00 pinjuke bid was accepted, but was outbid by ashkun using proxy bid.
ashkun 04/17/23 7:12A $5.00 ashkun placed the starting bid.
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