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Lot 75 - Collection of Vintage Oil Filler Cans
55Clipper 04/20/23 8:14P $161.88 Proxy bid was was placed for 55Clipper in response to a bid by RedFlyer
RedFlyer 04/20/23 8:14P $156.88 RedFlyer bid was accepted, but was outbid by 55Clipper using proxy bid.
55Clipper 04/20/23 8:09P $146.88 55Clipper raised their max bid.
55Clipper 04/20/23 2:13P $146.88 55Clipper outbid the previous bid by RedFlyer
RedFlyer 04/20/23 2:13P $141.88 Proxy bid was placed for RedFlyer in response to a bid by 55Clipper
RedFlyer 04/20/23 1:46P $137.00 RedFlyer outbid the previous bid by 55Clipper
55Clipper 04/20/23 1:46P $132.00 Proxy bid was placed for 55Clipper in response to a bid by RedFlyer
55Clipper 04/20/23 11:55A $130.56 55Clipper outbid the previous bid by RedFlyer
RedFlyer 04/20/23 11:55A $125.56 Proxy bid was placed for RedFlyer in response to a bid by 55Clipper
RedFlyer 04/20/23 11:45A $123.00 RedFlyer outbid the previous bid by 55Clipper
55Clipper 04/20/23 11:45A $118.00 Proxy bid was placed for 55Clipper in response to a bid by RedFlyer
55Clipper 04/20/23 7:47A $115.55 55Clipper outbid the previous bid by RedFlyer
RedFlyer 04/20/23 7:47A $110.55 Proxy bid was placed for RedFlyer in response to a bid by 55Clipper
RedFlyer 04/19/23 1:35A $108.00 RedFlyer outbid the previous bid by 55Clipper
55Clipper 04/19/23 1:30A $103.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 55Clipper in response to a bid by RedFlyer
RedFlyer 04/19/23 1:30A $101.55 RedFlyer bid was accepted, but was outbid by 55Clipper using proxy bid.
55Clipper 04/18/23 9:59P $91.00 55Clipper outbid the previous bid by Nachotecua
Nachotecua 04/18/23 9:58P $90.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Nachotecua in response to a bid by 55Clipper
55Clipper 04/18/23 9:58P $89.00 55Clipper bid was accepted, but was outbid by Nachotecua using proxy bid.
Nachotecua 04/18/23 8:06P $86.00 Nachotecua outbid the previous bid by 55Clipper
55Clipper 04/18/23 8:06P $85.00 Proxy bid was placed for 55Clipper in response to a bid by Nachotecua
55Clipper 04/18/23 8:06P $81.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 55Clipper in response to a bid by Nachotecua
Nachotecua 04/18/23 8:06P $80.00 Nachotecua bid was accepted, but was outbid by 55Clipper using proxy bid.
55Clipper 04/18/23 8:06P $71.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 55Clipper in response to a bid by Nachotecua
Nachotecua 04/18/23 8:06P $70.00 Nachotecua bid was accepted, but was outbid by 55Clipper using proxy bid.
55Clipper 04/18/23 8:06P $61.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 55Clipper in response to a bid by Nachotecua
Nachotecua 04/18/23 8:06P $60.00 Nachotecua bid was accepted, but was outbid by 55Clipper using proxy bid.
55Clipper 04/18/23 8:06P $51.00 Proxy bid was was placed for 55Clipper in response to a bid by Nachotecua
Nachotecua 04/18/23 8:06P $50.00 Nachotecua bid was accepted, but was outbid by 55Clipper using proxy bid.
55Clipper 04/18/23 1:08P $41.00 55Clipper outbid the previous bid by Nachotecua
Nachotecua 04/18/23 1:08P $40.00 Proxy bid was placed for Nachotecua in response to a bid by 55Clipper
Nachotecua 04/18/23 1:03P $33.00 Nachotecua outbid the previous bid by gm145
gm145 04/18/23 1:03P $32.00 Proxy bid was placed for gm145 in response to a bid by Nachotecua
gm145 04/18/23 7:34A $21.00 gm145 outbid the previous bid by Amst6
Amst6 04/18/23 7:34A $20.00 Proxy bid was placed for Amst6 in response to a bid by gm145
Amst6 04/17/23 7:55A $18.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Amst6 in response to a bid by TNT
TNT 04/17/23 7:55A $17.00 TNT bid was accepted, but was outbid by Amst6 using proxy bid.
Amst6 04/17/23 7:28A $6.00 Amst6 outbid the previous bid by andtherocketsredglare
andtherocketsredglare 04/17/23 7:25A $5.00 andtherocketsredglare placed the starting bid.
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