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Lot 72 - Pair of Carved Wooden Elephant Wall Hangings
Timl2727 06/01/23 7:11P $68.89 Timl2727 outbid the previous bid by Jax
Jax 06/01/23 7:11P $67.89 Proxy bid was placed for Jax in response to a bid by Timl2727
Jax 06/01/23 7:11P $66.00 Jax outbid the previous bid by Seamaniv
Seamaniv 06/01/23 7:11P $65.00 Proxy bid was placed for Seamaniv in response to a bid by Jax
Seamaniv 06/01/23 7:11P $57.00 Seamaniv outbid the previous bid by minicows33
minicows33 06/01/23 6:39P $56.00 minicows33 outbid the previous bid by Rayrae707
Rayrae707 06/01/23 6:39P $55.00 Proxy bid was placed for Rayrae707 in response to a bid by minicows33
Rayrae707 06/01/23 3:50P $51.00 Rayrae707 outbid the previous bid by Latheweld
Latheweld 06/01/23 3:50P $50.00 Proxy bid was placed for Latheweld in response to a bid by Rayrae707
Latheweld 06/01/23 3:50P $45.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Latheweld in response to a bid by Rayrae707
Rayrae707 06/01/23 3:50P $44.00 Rayrae707 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Latheweld using proxy bid.
Latheweld 06/01/23 3:46P $36.00 Latheweld outbid the previous bid by Rayrae707
Rayrae707 06/01/23 3:46P $35.00 Proxy bid was placed for Rayrae707 in response to a bid by Latheweld
Rayrae707 06/01/23 1:57A $29.00 Rayrae707 outbid the previous bid by Ermie1724
Ermie1724 06/01/23 1:57A $28.00 Proxy bid was placed for Ermie1724 in response to a bid by Rayrae707
Ermie1724 05/31/23 8:51P $24.00 Ermie1724 outbid the previous bid by Rayrae707
Rayrae707 05/31/23 7:12P $23.00 Rayrae707 outbid the previous bid by gm145
gm145 05/31/23 7:12P $22.00 Proxy bid was placed for gm145 in response to a bid by Rayrae707
gm145 05/30/23 11:26A $13.00 gm145 outbid the previous bid by kesslp
kesslp 05/30/23 11:26A $12.00 Proxy bid was placed for kesslp in response to a bid by gm145
kesslp 05/29/23 9:23A $6.00 kesslp outbid the previous bid by Pamelalb
Pamelalb 05/29/23 8:50A $5.00 Pamelalb placed the starting bid.
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