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Lot 94 - Decorated Gold Elephant Wall Hanging from Thailand, Plus Gold Tree Design
Ermie1724 06/01/23 3:43P $47.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Ermie1724 in response to a bid by Joesmith
Joesmith 06/01/23 3:43P $46.00 Joesmith bid was accepted, but was outbid by Ermie1724 using proxy bid.
Ermie1724 05/31/23 8:44P $41.00 Ermie1724 outbid the previous bid by Warriorangel
Warriorangel 05/31/23 8:44P $40.00 Proxy bid was placed for Warriorangel in response to a bid by Ermie1724
Warriorangel 05/31/23 8:44P $31.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Warriorangel in response to a bid by Ermie1724
Ermie1724 05/31/23 8:44P $30.00 Ermie1724 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Warriorangel using proxy bid.
Warriorangel 05/30/23 8:29P $23.00 Warriorangel outbid the previous bid by gm145
gm145 05/30/23 8:29P $22.00 Proxy bid was placed for gm145 in response to a bid by Warriorangel
gm145 05/30/23 11:28A $18.50 gm145 outbid the previous bid by Warriorangel
Warriorangel 05/30/23 11:28A $17.50 Proxy bid was placed for Warriorangel in response to a bid by gm145
Warriorangel 05/29/23 9:09A $11.00 Warriorangel raised their max bid.
Warriorangel 05/29/23 9:08A $11.00 Warriorangel outbid the previous bid by Pamelalb
Pamelalb 05/29/23 9:08A $10.00 Proxy bid was placed for Pamelalb in response to a bid by Warriorangel
Pamelalb 05/29/23 8:51A $5.00 Pamelalb placed the starting bid.
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