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Lot 108 - 6 Vintage or Antique Pocket Watches - 4 Running
A4844245 06/01/23 7:32P $180.00 A4844245 outbid the previous bid by falalma
falalma 06/01/23 7:32P $175.00 Proxy bid was placed for falalma in response to a bid by A4844245
falalma 06/01/23 2:10P $81.00 falalma outbid the previous bid by MrArt
MrArt 06/01/23 2:10P $80.00 Proxy bid was placed for MrArt in response to a bid by falalma
MrArt 06/01/23 8:58A $78.00 MrArt outbid the previous bid by Bugsy
Bugsy 06/01/23 8:58A $77.00 Proxy bid was placed for Bugsy in response to a bid by MrArt
Bugsy 05/29/23 5:09P $76.00 Bugsy outbid the previous bid by Matt1985
Matt1985 05/29/23 5:09P $75.00 Proxy bid was placed for Matt1985 in response to a bid by Bugsy
Matt1985 05/29/23 5:08P $64.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Matt1985 in response to a bid by Bugsy
Bugsy 05/29/23 5:08P $63.00 Bugsy bid was accepted, but was outbid by Matt1985 using proxy bid.
Matt1985 05/29/23 5:08P $54.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Matt1985 in response to a bid by Bugsy
Bugsy 05/29/23 5:08P $53.00 Bugsy bid was accepted, but was outbid by Matt1985 using proxy bid.
Matt1985 05/29/23 1:35P $42.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Matt1985 in response to a bid by Anne1
Anne1 05/29/23 1:35P $41.00 Anne1 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Matt1985 using proxy bid.
Matt1985 05/29/23 1:35P $37.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Matt1985 in response to a bid by Anne1
Anne1 05/29/23 1:35P $36.00 Anne1 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Matt1985 using proxy bid.
Matt1985 05/29/23 1:35P $32.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Matt1985 in response to a bid by Anne1
Anne1 05/29/23 1:35P $31.00 Anne1 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Matt1985 using proxy bid.
Matt1985 05/29/23 1:34P $29.50 Proxy bid was was placed for Matt1985 in response to a bid by Anne1
Anne1 05/29/23 1:34P $28.50 Anne1 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Matt1985 using proxy bid.
Matt1985 05/29/23 10:34A $21.00 Matt1985 outbid the previous bid by Cdrafton
Cdrafton 05/29/23 10:34A $20.00 Proxy bid was placed for Cdrafton in response to a bid by Matt1985
Cdrafton 05/29/23 8:52A $14.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Cdrafton in response to a bid by Kvid
Kvid 05/29/23 8:52A $13.00 Kvid bid was accepted, but was outbid by Cdrafton using proxy bid.
Cdrafton 05/29/23 8:52A $12.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Cdrafton in response to a bid by Kvid
Kvid 05/29/23 8:52A $11.00 Kvid bid was accepted, but was outbid by Cdrafton using proxy bid.
Cdrafton 05/29/23 8:51A $10.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Cdrafton in response to a bid by Kvid
Kvid 05/29/23 8:51A $9.00 Kvid bid was accepted, but was outbid by Cdrafton using proxy bid.
Cdrafton 05/29/23 8:51A $8.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Cdrafton in response to a bid by Kvid
Kvid 05/29/23 8:51A $7.00 Kvid bid was accepted, but was outbid by Cdrafton using proxy bid.
Cdrafton 05/29/23 7:23A $6.00 Cdrafton outbid the previous bid by Jax
Jax 05/29/23 7:21A $5.00 Jax placed the starting bid.
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