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Lot 138 - 1/2” Heavy duty Router with Lots of Bits
joycedoug 06/01/23 6:52P $125.00 joycedoug outbid the previous bid by Dwarren
Dwarren 06/01/23 6:52P $120.00 Proxy bid was placed for Dwarren in response to a bid by joycedoug
Dwarren 06/01/23 5:53P $110.50 Dwarren outbid the previous bid by joycedoug
joycedoug 06/01/23 5:53P $105.50 Proxy bid was placed for joycedoug in response to a bid by Dwarren
joycedoug 06/01/23 5:53P $101.00 Proxy bid was was placed for joycedoug in response to a bid by Dwarren
Dwarren 06/01/23 5:53P $100.00 Dwarren bid was accepted, but was outbid by joycedoug using proxy bid.
joycedoug 06/01/23 2:22P $78.00 joycedoug outbid the previous bid by fermentner
fermentner 06/01/23 2:22P $77.00 Proxy bid was placed for fermentner in response to a bid by joycedoug
fermentner 06/01/23 2:07P $76.00 fermentner outbid the previous bid by joycedoug
joycedoug 06/01/23 2:07P $75.00 Proxy bid was placed for joycedoug in response to a bid by fermentner
joycedoug 05/30/23 5:29P $66.00 joycedoug outbid the previous bid by jsmorgan
jsmorgan 05/30/23 5:29P $65.00 Proxy bid was placed for jsmorgan in response to a bid by joycedoug
jsmorgan 05/29/23 4:10P $61.00 jsmorgan outbid the previous bid by joycedoug
joycedoug 05/29/23 4:10P $60.00 Proxy bid was placed for joycedoug in response to a bid by jsmorgan
joycedoug 05/29/23 4:09P $52.00 Proxy bid was was placed for joycedoug in response to a bid by jsmorgan
jsmorgan 05/29/23 4:09P $51.00 jsmorgan bid was accepted, but was outbid by joycedoug using proxy bid.
joycedoug 05/29/23 2:29P $41.00 joycedoug outbid the previous bid by jsmorgan
jsmorgan 05/29/23 2:29P $40.00 Proxy bid was placed for jsmorgan in response to a bid by joycedoug
jsmorgan 05/29/23 7:37A $26.55 jsmorgan outbid the previous bid by franch
franch 05/29/23 7:37A $25.55 Proxy bid was placed for franch in response to a bid by jsmorgan
franch 05/29/23 7:27A $21.00 Proxy bid was was placed for franch in response to a bid by Cdrafton
Cdrafton 05/29/23 7:27A $20.00 Cdrafton bid was accepted, but was outbid by franch using proxy bid.
franch 05/29/23 7:16A $5.00 franch placed the starting bid.
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