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Lot 141 - Woodworker’s Lot with DeWalt Right Angle Drill, Forstner Bits, and More
DW 06/01/23 8:20P $106.51 DW outbid the previous bid by little red shed
little red shed 06/01/23 8:20P $101.51 Proxy bid was placed for little red shed in response to a bid by DW
little red shed 06/01/23 8:20P $89.00 little red shed outbid the previous bid by gm145
gm145 06/01/23 8:20P $88.00 Proxy bid was placed for gm145 in response to a bid by little red shed
gm145 06/01/23 5:20P $61.00 Proxy bid was was placed for gm145 in response to a bid by 007
007 06/01/23 5:20P $60.00 007 bid was accepted, but was outbid by gm145 using proxy bid.
gm145 06/01/23 11:45A $56.00 Proxy bid was was placed for gm145 in response to a bid by smacneill
smacneill 06/01/23 11:45A $55.00 smacneill bid was accepted, but was outbid by gm145 using proxy bid.
gm145 05/31/23 11:40P $51.00 gm145 raised their max bid.
gm145 05/30/23 12:40P $51.00 gm145 outbid the previous bid by 007
007 05/30/23 12:40P $50.00 Proxy bid was placed for 007 in response to a bid by gm145
007 05/29/23 2:39P $42.00 007 outbid the previous bid by jsmorgan
jsmorgan 05/29/23 2:38P $41.00 Proxy bid was was placed for jsmorgan in response to a bid by 007
007 05/29/23 2:38P $40.00 007 bid was accepted, but was outbid by jsmorgan using proxy bid.
jsmorgan 05/29/23 8:34A $26.00 jsmorgan raised their max bid.
jsmorgan 05/29/23 7:38A $26.00 jsmorgan outbid the previous bid by Cdrafton
Cdrafton 05/29/23 7:38A $25.00 Proxy bid was placed for Cdrafton in response to a bid by jsmorgan
Cdrafton 05/29/23 7:28A $5.00 Cdrafton placed the starting bid.
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