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Bid History for: Lot 64 - Rubbermaid Rolling Cart, plus 4’ Fiberglass Ladder
User Time Amount Info
RedFlyer 07/20/23 8:01PM $115.56 RedFlyer outbid the previous bid by norcalrugby28
norcalrugby28 07/20/23 8:01PM $111.50 Proxy bid was placed for norcalrugby28 in response to a bid by RedFlyer
norcalrugby28 07/20/23 4:18PM $106.58 norcalrugby28 outbid the previous bid by RedFlyer
RedFlyer 07/20/23 2:00PM $101.58 RedFlyer outbid the previous bid by norcalrugby28
norcalrugby28 07/20/23 2:00PM $100.99 Proxy bid was placed for norcalrugby28 in response to a bid by RedFlyer
norcalrugby28 07/20/23 12:57PM $97.88 norcalrugby28 outbid the previous bid by RedFlyer
RedFlyer 07/20/23 12:57PM $96.88 Proxy bid was placed for RedFlyer in response to a bid by norcalrugby28
RedFlyer 07/20/23 11:17AM $93.00 RedFlyer outbid the previous bid by t3hhaunted
t3hhaunted 07/20/23 11:17AM $92.00 Proxy bid was placed for t3hhaunted in response to a bid by RedFlyer
t3hhaunted 07/20/23 9:52AM $89.88 t3hhaunted outbid the previous bid by RedFlyer
RedFlyer 07/20/23 9:52AM $88.88 Proxy bid was placed for RedFlyer in response to a bid by t3hhaunted
RedFlyer 07/19/23 10:28PM $87.00 RedFlyer outbid the previous bid by Metalmogul99
Metalmogul99 07/18/23 10:36PM $86.00 Metalmogul99 outbid the previous bid by norcalrugby28
norcalrugby28 07/18/23 10:36PM $85.00 Proxy bid was placed for norcalrugby28 in response to a bid by Metalmogul99
norcalrugby28 07/18/23 10:36PM $82.00 Proxy bid was was placed for norcalrugby28 in response to a bid by Metalmogul99
Metalmogul99 07/18/23 10:36PM $81.00 Metalmogul99 bid was accepted, but was outbid by norcalrugby28 using proxy bid.
norcalrugby28 07/17/23 12:08PM $76.00 norcalrugby28 outbid the previous bid by daveg
daveg 07/17/23 12:08PM $75.00 Proxy bid was placed for daveg in response to a bid by norcalrugby28
daveg 07/17/23 9:55AM $66.00 Proxy bid was was placed for daveg in response to a bid by germainehensel
germainehensel 07/17/23 9:55AM $65.00 germainehensel bid was accepted, but was outbid by daveg using proxy bid.
daveg 07/17/23 8:27AM $51.00 daveg outbid the previous bid by Aigarage
Aigarage 07/17/23 8:27AM $50.00 Proxy bid was placed for Aigarage in response to a bid by daveg
Aigarage 07/17/23 8:21AM $41.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Aigarage in response to a bid by [email protected]
[email protected] 07/17/23 8:21AM $40.00 [email protected] bid was accepted, but was outbid by Aigarage using proxy bid.
Aigarage 07/17/23 8:16AM $21.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Aigarage in response to a bid by [email protected]
[email protected] 07/17/23 8:16AM $20.00 [email protected] bid was accepted, but was outbid by Aigarage using proxy bid.
Aigarage 07/17/23 7:55AM $5.00 Aigarage placed the starting bid.
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