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Bid History for: Lot 80 - Ibanez Hollow Body Electric Guitar with Ibanez Amp
User Time Amount Info
Metalmogul99 10/12/23 8:18PM $312.85 Proxy bid was was placed for Metalmogul99 in response to a bid by Slotcarracr
Slotcarracr 10/12/23 8:18PM $307.85 Slotcarracr bid was accepted, but was outbid by Metalmogul99 using proxy bid.
Metalmogul99 10/12/23 8:18PM $245.00 Metalmogul99 outbid the previous bid by jlockness
jlockness 10/12/23 8:18PM $240.00 Proxy bid was placed for jlockness in response to a bid by Metalmogul99
jlockness 10/12/23 8:14PM $213.00 jlockness outbid the previous bid by [email protected]
Auctionman 10/12/23 8:14PM $208.00 Proxy bid was placed for [email protected] in response to a bid by jlockness
Auctionman 10/12/23 7:54PM $205.00 Proxy bid was was placed for [email protected] in response to a bid by tycobb23
tycobb23 10/12/23 7:54PM $200.00 tycobb23 bid was accepted, but was outbid by [email protected] using proxy bid.
Auctionman 10/12/23 6:41PM $190.00 [email protected] outbid the previous bid by FrankJr
FrankJr 10/12/23 1:42PM $185.00 FrankJr outbid the previous bid by tycobb23
tycobb23 10/12/23 1:42PM $180.00 Proxy bid was was placed for tycobb23 in response to a bid by FrankJr
FrankJr 10/12/23 1:42PM $180.00 FrankJr bid was accepted, but was outbid by tycobb23 using proxy bid.
tycobb23 10/12/23 10:02AM $175.00 tycobb23 outbid the previous bid by jlockness
jlockness 10/12/23 9:42AM $170.00 Proxy bid was was placed for jlockness in response to a bid by tycobb23
tycobb23 10/12/23 9:42AM $170.00 tycobb23 bid was accepted, but was outbid by jlockness using proxy bid.
jlockness 10/12/23 9:42AM $165.00 Proxy bid was was placed for jlockness in response to a bid by tycobb23
tycobb23 10/12/23 9:42AM $160.00 tycobb23 bid was accepted, but was outbid by jlockness using proxy bid.
jlockness 10/12/23 9:37AM $155.00 jlockness outbid the previous bid by tycobb23
tycobb23 10/12/23 8:29AM $150.00 tycobb23 outbid the previous bid by Metalmogul99
Metalmogul99 10/12/23 8:29AM $148.00 Proxy bid was placed for Metalmogul99 in response to a bid by tycobb23
Metalmogul99 10/11/23 11:02PM $130.00 Metalmogul99 outbid the previous bid by jlockness
jlockness 10/11/23 11:02PM $125.00 Proxy bid was placed for jlockness in response to a bid by Metalmogul99
jlockness 10/11/23 9:50PM $117.00 jlockness outbid the previous bid by Yvette89
Yvette89 10/11/23 4:44PM $112.00 Yvette89 outbid the previous bid by FrankJr
FrankJr 10/11/23 4:44PM $110.00 Proxy bid was placed for FrankJr in response to a bid by Yvette89
FrankJr 10/09/23 8:01AM $98.00 FrankJr outbid the previous bid by Tymka
Tymka 10/09/23 8:01AM $97.00 Proxy bid was placed for Tymka in response to a bid by FrankJr
Tymka 10/09/23 8:01AM $51.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Tymka in response to a bid by FrankJr
FrankJr 10/09/23 8:01AM $50.00 FrankJr bid was accepted, but was outbid by Tymka using proxy bid.
Tymka 10/09/23 8:01AM $11.00 Tymka outbid the previous bid by Jaybee
Jaybee 10/09/23 8:01AM $10.00 Proxy bid was placed for Jaybee in response to a bid by Tymka
Jaybee 10/09/23 7:40AM $5.00 Jaybee placed the starting bid.
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