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From a card collecting home. These were in different places in the house, and there is some value. The binder at the top left has ten 8” x 10” pics of stars from different sports, including Mike Tyson. The second binder from left has 28 pages, with 9 cards each of almost all premium cards, with 4 full pages of Will Clarks, and many from the 1980’s. The third binder has 10 pages with 9 cards each, grouped by maker with a page of Rookie Cards. The binder on the right has 28 pages of 8” x 10” cards, most are DonRuss Studi 97 Cards. The lower section has a wide variety of mostly baseball cards, with individual cards to the left. There are 15 uniform cards. The small binder to the right has 10 pages with 4 cards each, most are NFL Pro Set Cards. The small booklet in the lower middle has about 20 cards.
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