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This lot includes the 150 Gallon steel oil tank with pump, the dispenser on a retractable reel, two retractable Coxreels with air hose, and the overhead rack they are mounted on. It was used for air and to dispense ATF in a transmission shop. The pump on the tank is pneumatic. The tank is plumbed to the dispenser, and can be easily disconnected at each end. The dispenser has a digital gauge to read quarts, and works well. The dispenser is made by Roughneck, and includes an extra nozzle. The pump on the tank is made by Balcrank. Both of the air Coxreels work well, and each has about 30’ of air hose. Buyer can have the entire rack if buyer is willing to go up on a tall ladder and unscrew it from the ceiling of the shop. An industrial setup in good working condition. The tank is 40” tall, 28” wide and 36” deep. The tank has a few inches of ATF in the bottom, can be pumped out here at buyer’s option.
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